First Asra of Ramadan – The Days of Mercy

The first Asra (10 days) of Ramadan is known as the Asra of Mercy (Rahmat). It is a time to seek Allah’s mercy and establish good habits for the rest of the month. Here are the key things to do:

1. Strengthen Your Intentions (Niyyah)

  • Start Ramadan with a sincere intention to fast, seek forgiveness, and improve your faith.

2. Increase Worship and Prayers

  • Five Daily Prayers: Perform them on time, preferably in congregation.
  • Taraweeh: Participate in or pray at home.
  • Tahajjud: Wake up for extra prayers in the last part of the night.

3. Recite and Reflect on the Quran

  • Begin a plan to read and understand the Quran throughout Ramadan.
  • Read with translation and Tafseer for deeper understanding.

4. Seek Allah’s Mercy

  • This Asra is focused on Allah’s mercy, so recite:
    اللَّهُمَّ ارْحَمْنِي (Allahumma irhamni) – O Allah, have mercy on me.

5. Increase Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah)

  • Recite Astaghfirullah, SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, and Allahu Akbar regularly.

6. Give in Charity (Sadaqah)

  • Help the needy through donations, food, or acts of kindness.
  • Start planning for Zakat if you haven’t already.

7. Improve Your Character

  • Avoid gossip, arguments, and bad habits.
  • Practice patience, humility, and kindness.

8. Focus on Duas

  • Ask Allah for His mercy, guidance, and forgiveness.
  • Make duas for yourself, family, and the Ummah.

9. Establish Healthy Fasting Habits

  • Eat a nutritious Suhoor (pre-dawn meal).
  • Avoid overeating at Iftar, and break fast with dates and water.

10. Set Goals for the Rest of Ramadan

  • Plan how to maximize your worship in the next Asras:
    • 2nd Asra (Forgiveness – Maghfirah)
    • 3rd Asra (Freedom from Hell – Najat)
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